by ALFJZ 0






INSTALL   EXE - Installation program (runs under Windows only)

UNPAK     EXE - Unpacks .PAK (compressed) files

README    COM - Text mode program that displays the README file

BWCC      PAK - Archived file containing:

   BWCC      DLL - Borland Windows Custom Control DLL


DOC       PAK - Archived file containing:

   MANUAL    TPW - Manual corrections for TPW

   STRINGS   INT - Interface section of Strings runtime library unit

   SYSTEM    INT - Interfaced variables and constants of System unit

   TEMC      DOC - Online doc for TEMC.EXE

   UTILS     DOC - Documentation for utility programs.

   WINCRT    PAS - Source code to WinCrt unit

   WINDOS    INT - Interface section of WinDos runtime library unit

   WINPROCS  PAS - Source code to Windows API interface unit

   WINTYPES  PAS - Source code to Windows API interface unit

   WOBJECTS  INT - Interface section of ObjectWindows unit


DOCDEMOS  PAK - Archived file containing:

   BTNTEST   PAS - ObjectWindows demo program

   CBOXTEST  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program

   COLLECT1  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program

   COLLECT2  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program

   COLLECT3  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program

   COLLECT4  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program

   COOKBOOK  RES - Resource file for STEP*.PAS

   DIALTEST  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program

   DIALTEST  RES - Resource file for DIALTEST.PAS

   DLLTEST   PAS - Part of DLL demo

   EDITTEST  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program

   EDITTEST  RES - Resource file for EDITTEST.PAS

   EWNDTEST  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program

   EWNDTEST  RES - Resource file for EWNDTEST.PAS

   HELPWIND  PAS - ObjectWindows demo unit

   INIRTEST  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program

   LBOXTEST  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program

   MATH      PAS - Part of DLL demo

   MATH      RES - Resource file for MATH.PAS

   MATHDLL   PAS - Part of DLL demo

   MDITEST   PAS - ObjectWindows demo program

   MDITEST   RES - Resource file for MDITEST.PAS

   PALTEST   PAS - ObjectWindows demo program

   SBARTEST  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program

   STATTEST  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program

   STEP01    PAS - Documentation demo file

   STEP02    PAS - Documentation demo file

   STEP03    PAS - Documentation demo file

   STEP04    PAS - Documentation demo file

   STEP05    PAS - Documentation demo file

   STEP06    PAS - Documentation demo file

   STEP07    PAS - Documentation demo file

   STEP08    PAS - Documentation demo file

   STEP09    PAS - Documentation demo file

   STEP10    PAS - Documentation demo file

   STREAM1   PAS - Documentation demo file

   STREAM2   PAS - Documentation demo file

   SUBCTEST  PAS - Documentation demo file

   TRANTEST  PAS - Documentation demo file

   TRANTEST  RES - Resource file for TRANTEST.PAS

   WORKERS   PAS - Example program from the User's Guide

   WORKLIST  PAS - Example program from the User's Guide


FILEINFO  INI - List of distribution files, used by Install

FILELIST  DOC - List of all files on the distribution diskettes

HELPEX    PAK - Archived file containing:

   BULLET    BMP - Part of Windows help system demo

   CHKBOFF   BMP - Part of Windows help system demo

   CHKBON    BMP - Part of Windows help system demo

   CODEC     BMP - Part of Windows help system demo

   CONTINUE  BMP - Part of Windows help system demo

   DONE      BMP - Part of Windows help system demo

   HELP      CUR - Part of Windows help system demo

   HELPEX    DEF - Part of Windows help system demo

   HELPEX    DLG - Part of Windows help system demo

   HELPEX      H - Part of Windows help system demo

   HELPEX    HLP - Part of Windows help system demo

   HELPEX    HPJ - Part of Windows help system demo

   HELPEX    MAK - Part of Windows help system demo

   HELPEX    PAS - Part of Windows help system demo

   HELPEX     PH - Part of Windows help system demo

   HELPEX     RC - Part of Windows help system demo

   HELPEX    RES - Part of Windows help system demo

   HELPEX    RTF - Part of Windows help system demo

   HELPICON  BMP - Part of Windows help system demo

   HELPIDS     H - Part of Windows help system demo

   KEYS      RTF - Part of Windows help system demo

   MAX2ICON  BMP - Part of Windows help system demo

   MOUSE     BMP - Part of Windows help system demo

   OWLHELP     H - Part of Windows help system demo

   OWLHELP   PAS - Part of Windows help system demo

   OWLHELP    RC - Part of Windows help system demo

   OWLHELP   RES - Part of Windows help system demo

   TERMS     RTF - Part of Windows help system demo

   WINWORD   BMP - Part of Windows help system demo


INSTALL    LZ - TPW 1.5 Install program

OWL       PAK - Archived file containing:

   BWCC      PAS - Borland Custom Control Interface

   STDDLGS   PAS - Source code to ObjectWindows StdDlg unit

   STDDLGS   RES - Resource file for STDDLG.PAS

   STDDLGS   TPU - ObjectWindows StdDlg unit

   STDWNDS   PAS - Source code to ObjectWindows StdWnd unit

   STDWNDS   RES - Resource file for STDWND.PAS

   STDWNDS   TPU - ObjectWindows StdWnd unit

   WINDOWS     H - Windows API header file for use with RC

   WOBJECTS    H - ObjectWindows header file for use with RC

   WOBJECTS  TPU - ObjectWindows unit



   TDDEBUG   386 - Device driver for 80386/80486 processors



   TDDEMOW   PAS - Turbo Debugger demo

   TDDEMOWB  PAS - Turbo Debugger demo

   TDODEMO   ICO - Turbo Debugger demo

   TDODEMO   PAS - Turbo Debugger demo

   TDODEMO   RES - Turbo Debugger demo

   TDODEMOB  PAS - Turbo Debugger demo



   TDWIN     DLL - DLL for Turbo Debugger for Windows



WELCOME   PAS - WinCrt demo program

WINDEMOS  PAK - Archived file containing:

   DIRDEMO   PAS - WinCrt demo program

   FDLGDEMO  PAS - Windows demo program

   FDLGDEMO  RES - Resource file for FDLGDEMO.PAS

   FILEDLGS  PAS - Windows demo unit

   FILEDLGS  RES - Resource file for FILEDLG.PAS

   GENERIC   PAS - Windows demo program

   GENERIC   RES - Resource file for GENERIC.PAS


WINDLL    PAK - Archived file containing:

   STRESS    DLL - Application stress DLL


README        - Text file containing latest product information




RWDEMOS   PAK - Archived file containing:

   BITBNAPP  PAS - Resource Workshop Demo file

   BITBNAPP  RES - Resource Workshop Demo file

   BITBTN    PAS - Resource Workshop Demo file

   BITBTN    RES - Resource Workshop Demo file

   BITBTNCO  PAS - Resource Workshop Demo file

   CUSTCNTL  PAS - Custom Control Interface file

   RWDEMO    CUR - Resource Workshop Demo file

   RWDEMO    ICO - Resource Workshop Demo file

   RWFNT     FNT - Resource Workshop Demo file

   RWPDEMO   PAS - Resource Workshop Demo file

   RWPDEMO    RC - Resource Workshop Demo file

   STRINGS    RC - Resource Workshop Demo file

   RWPDEMO   RES - Resource Workshop Demo file

   RWPDEMOB   RC - Resource Workshop Demo file

   RWPDEMOB  RES - Resource Workshop Demo file

   RWPDEMOC  PAS - Resource Workshop Demo file

   RWPDLGS   PAS - Resource Workshop Demo file

   RWPWND    PAS - Resource Workshop Demo file


TPW       PAK - Archived file containing:

   BORTE     FON - Borland Text Editor font

   TCOLORCC  DLL - Custom control library

   TPCW      EXE - DOS-hosted Turbo Pascal command-line compiler

   TPW       EXE - Turbo Pascal for Windows Integrated Development


   TPW       TPL - Turbo Pascal for Windows Runtime library














TPWHELP   CA1 - Archived file containing:

   TPW       HLP - Online help data file





RW        PAK - Archived file containing:

   LOADBWCC  EXE - Program to automatically load BWCC.DLL

   WORKHELP  HLP - Help file

   WORKSHOP  EXE - Main program


UTILS     PAK - Archived file containing:

   GREP      COM - Command-line text search utility

   HC        BAT - Batch file to run HC30.EXE or HC31.EXE

   HC30      EXE - Windows 3.0 Help compiler

   HC31      ERR - Error messages for Windows 3.1 Help compier

   HC31      EXE - Windows 3.1 Help compiler

   MAKE      EXE - Command-line make utility

   RC        EXE - Command-line resource compiler

   RCPP      ERR - Error Messages for RCPP.EXE

   RCPP      EXE - Preprocessor for RC.EXE

   TEMC      EXE - Macro compiler for IDE editor

   TOUCH     COM - Changes a file's timestamp to force re-compilation

   TPUMOVER  EXE - Unit mover utility

   TPWALT    TEM - Default alternate command keybindings for use with







   MARS      DLL - Pen Windows Recognizer DLL

   MARS      MOB - Pen Windows Recognizer data

   MSMOUSE   DRV - Pen Windows mouse driver

   PENWIN    DLL - Pen Windows DLL

   PENWIN    INI - Pen Windows data file

   README    PEN - Pen Windows information

   VGAP      DRV - Pen Windows VGA driver

   YESMOUSE  DRV - Pen Windows mouse driver



   TDSTRIP   EXE - Utility to Strip Debug Information from .EXE Files

   TDUMP     EXE - Dumps Symbolic Information from .EXE Files

   TDWINST   EXE - Custom configuration Program for TDW


TDW       PAK - Archived file continaing:

   TDW       EXE - Turbo Debugger Program for Windows

   TDWHELP   TDH - Help File for the TDW Debugger





OWLDEMOS  PAK - Archived file containing:

   BLAISE    BMP - Sample bitmap for STRETCH and BSCROLAPP

   BSCRLAPP  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program

   BSCRLAPP  RES - Resource file for BSCRLAPP.PAS

   CALC      PAS - ObjectWindows demo program

   CALC      RES - Resource file for CALC.PAS

   EDITAPP   PAS - ObjectWindows demo program

   FCONVERT  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program

   FCONVERT  RES - Resource file for FCONVERT.PAS

   FILEAPP   PAS - ObjectWindows demo program

   GDIDEMO   PAS - ObjectWindows demo program

   GDIDEMO   RES - Resource file for GDIDEMO.PAS

   HELLOAPP  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program

   MDIAPP    PAS - ObjectWindows demo program

   MDIAPP    RES - Resource file for MDIAPP.PAS

   MENU      PAS - ObjectWindows demo program

   MENU      RES - Resource file for MENU.PAS

   MFILEAPP  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program

   MFILEAPP  RES - Resource file for MFILEAPP.PAS


   OLECLNT   PAS - OLE demo program

   OLECLNT   RES - OLE demo resource file

   POPUP     PAS - ObjectWindows demo program

   POPUP     RES - Resource file for POPUP.PAS

   PROGTALK  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program

   PROGTALK  RES - Resource file for PROGTALK.PAS

   PXACCESS  PAS - Part of Paradox engine demo

   PXDEMO    PAS - Paradox engine demo program

   PXDEMO    RES - Part of Paradox engine demo

   PXENGINE  PAS - Paradox engine DLL interface unit

   RACECAR   BMP - Sample bitmap for STRETCH and BSCROLAPP

   SCROLAPP  PAS - ObjectWindows demo program

   SWAT      PAS - ObjectWindows demo program

   SWAT      RES - Resource file for SWAT.PAS

   STRETCH   PAS - ObjectWindows demo program

   STRETCH   RES - Resource file for STRETCH.PAS

   SYSINFO   PAS - ObjectWindows demo program

   SYSINFO   RES - Resource file for SYSINFO.PAS

   VDLGAPP   PAS - ObjectWindows demo program

   VDLGAPP   RES - ObjectWindows demo program

   COMMDLGS  HLP - Win 3.1 Common Dialogs demo file

   COMMDLGS  HPJ - Win 3.1 Common Dialogs demo

   COMMDLGS  PAS - Win 3.1 Common Dialogs demo

   COMMDLGS  RES - Win 3.1 Common Dialogs demo

   COMMDLGS  RTF - Win 3.1 Common Dialogs demo

   DATAENTR  PAS - Win 3.1 DDEML demo

   DDEMLCLI  PAS - Win 3.1 DDEML demo

   DDEMLCLI  RES - Win 3.1 DDEML demo

   DDEMLSRV  PAS - Win 3.1 DDEML demo

   DDEMLSRV  RES - Win 3.1 DDEML demo

   MCISOUND  PAS - Win 3.1 MCI Sound demo

   MCISOUND  RES - Win 3.1 MCI Sound demo

   OLEAPP    PAS - Win 3.1 OLE Server demo

   OLEOBJ    PAS - Win 3.1 OLE Server demo

   OLESERVR  PAS - Win 3.1 OLE Server demo

   OLESERVR  RES - Win 3.1 OLE Server demo

   OLETYPES  PAS - Win 3.1 OLE Server demo

   SERVER    PAS - Win 3.1 OLE Server demo

   SERVRWIN  PAS - Win 3.1 OLE Server demo

   OWLPEN    PAS - Win 3.1 Pen Windows demo

   OWLPEN    RES - Win 3.1 Pen Windows demo

   SHELLDEM  PAS - Win 3.1 Shell API demo

   SHELLDEM  RES - Win 3.1 Shell API demo

   TTDEMO    PAS - Win 3.1 TrueType demo

   TTDEMO    RES - Win 3.1 TrueType demo


PAINT     PAK - Archived file containing:

   BITMAPS   PAS - Paint demo unit

   CANVAS    PAS - Paint demo unit

   LINEBAR   PAS - Paint demo unit

   PAINT     PAS - Paint demo main program

   PAINT     RES - Resource file for Paint demo

   PAINTDEF  PAS - Paint demo unit

   PAINTDLG  PAS - Paint demo unit

   PALETTE   PAS - Paint demo unit

   RECT      PAS - Paint demo unit

   RESDEF    PAS - Paint demo unit

   TOOLBAR   PAS - Paint demo unit

   TOOLS     PAS - Paint demo unit


RWLIB     PAK - Archived file containing:

   WORKLIB1  DLL - Resource compiler, resource data base

   WORKLIB2  DLL - Custom controls



   ATI       DLL - Super VGA support for TDW with an ATI video card

   TSENG     DLL - Super VGA support for TDW with a TSENG based video card

   ULTRA     DLL - Super VGA support for TDW with an ULTRA video card

   STB       DLL - Super VGA support for STB, MVP series video cards

   DUAL8514  DLL - Super VGA support for dual 8514 video cards

   TDVESA    DLL - Super VGA support for VESA compliant cards

   VESATEST  EXE - Program to test if hardware is VESA compliant


WINHELP   PAK - Archived file containing:

   WINHELP   EXE - Windows 3.1 Help engine (required for TPW 1.5)

   WINHELP   HLP - Windows 3.1 Help on Help (required for TPW 1.5)





RWDOC     PAK - Archived file containing:

   BWCCAPI    RW - Borland Custom Control API documentation

   BWCCSTYL   RW - Borland custom control style guidelines

   CUSTCNTL   RW - custom control api documentation

   MANUAL     RW - manual corrections

   README     RW - Last-minute information about Resource Workshop


RWED      PAK - Archived file containing:

   WORKED1   DLL - Menu editor

   WORKED2   DLL - Icon, cursor, bitmap, and font editors

   WORKED3   DLL - Dialog editor

   WORKED4   DLL - Stringtable editor

   WORKED5   DLL - Accelerator table editor



   ASMDEBUG  TDW - Online document for TDW

   HDWDEBUG  TDW - Online document for TDW

   HELPME!   TDW - Online document for TDW

   README    TDW - Online document for TDW

   UTILS     TDW - Online document for TDW


TPREM     EXE - install removal program

WIN31     PAK - Archived file containing:

   COLORDLG  PAS - Windows 3.1 API Interface Unit

   COMMDLG   PAS - Windows 3.1 API Interface Unit

   CPL       PAS - Windows 3.1 API Interface Unit

   DDEML     PAS - Windows 3.1 API Interface Unit

   DLGS      PAS - Windows 3.1 API Interface Unit

   LZEXPAND  PAS - Windows 3.1 API Interface Unit

   MMSYSTEM  PAS - Windows 3.1 API Interface Unit

   OLE       PAS - Windows 3.1 API Interface Unit

   PENWIN    PAS - Windows 3.1 API Interface Unit

   PENWOEM   PAS - Windows 3.1 API Interface Unit

   PRINT     PAS - Windows 3.1 API Interface Unit

   SHELLAPI  PAS - Windows 3.1 API Interface Unit

   STRESS    PAS - Windows 3.1 API Interface Unit

   TOOLHELP  PAS - Windows 3.1 API Interface Unit

   VER       PAS - Windows 3.1 API Interface Unit

   WFEXT     PAS - Windows 3.1 API Interface Unit

   WIN31     PAS - Windows 3.1 API Interface Unit

   WINMEM32  PAS - Windows 3.1 API Interface Unit


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